Putting Daylilies Around Your New Pool

Putting Daylilies Around Your New Pool

Nothing beats the sight of a beautiful and nice pool in your compound on a hot summer day. Having a pool is slowly becoming a necessity rather than a luxury, especially if you reside in the south. However, it is one thing to own a pool, and it is another thing to maintain it. One of the best ways to beautify a pool is by landscaping it.

Planting flowers around your new pool is a good idea; however, every flower you want to plant must have these features: it should be colorful, it should add texture to your pool, and it should create privacy. Daylilies are one of the most used flowers because they are colorful and provide color.

How To Plant Daylilies Around Your New Pool

Daylilies are best planted in full sun, on moist and well-drained soil. If you reside in any state with a hot climate, you should ensure the lilies get shade in the afternoon to help them preserve their color. Daylilies are one of the few flowers that require little attention, especially when they are planted in the best location. As long as you supply the annual compost to the soil, daylilies do not require any other fertilization.

The best time to plant daylilies is immediately you purchase them; if you are in the south, plant them in fall or spring, the temperatures are always cool at that season. Plant daylilies in spring if you reside in the north, so the plants can grow and mature fully before winter. The first thing to do is to add compost to the soil around your pool.

Ensure you space the plants about 12 to 18 inches apart, so the crown of the flower is an inch below the soil surface. Water the plant well and mulch with straw or bark to preserve all the moisture and prevent weeds from growing. During the first year of planting the lilies, they should be watered well and kept free of weeds.

Dos And Don’ts In Poolside Landscape

There are some things you must do when planting flowers around your new pool, and there are things you should avoid. Let us see some of these, so you will not end up running your poolside landscape.

  1. Choose plants that can withstand reflective glare and heat from concrete.
  2. Avoid plants that drop nuts, fruits, or leaves near the pool.
  3. Use fertile and well-draining soils to plant near the pool.
  4. Fertilize the plants carefully; spilling fertilizer can stain the pool plaster.

Best And Worst Plants For Poolside Landscape

Many people are unaware that some plants are good for pools, and others will completely ruin your pool landscape. These are some of the best plants for poolside landscaping: Queen Palm, Southern Live Oak, Mexican Blue Palm, Weeping Dalea, Golden Euonymus, Red Justica, Birds of Paradise, Fortnight Lily, and Daylily. It would be best to avoid these plants: Ash trees, Mesquite, Crape Myrtle, Evergreen elm, Azalea, and Acacia.


A colorful landscape is a good way to brighten your compound, especially if you own a pool. Pool plans do not only enhance aesthetics, but they also soften heat blow.

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